Cyber security for technology organisations.

Discover and manage cybersecurity risks with unparalleled clarity and expertise. Our solutions are crafted to align with your business goals, delivering actionable insights for a secure digital future.

Expert cyber services tailored for your needs

Expert cyber services tailored for your needs

Risk-based threat modelling

Strategically evaluate potential cyber threats tailored to your business context. Our risk-based approach prioritises threats, guiding effective security measures.

Auditing & due dilligence

Comprehensive cloud infrastructure assessments to identify vulnerabilities and ensure compliance. Our cloud auditing provides insights for secure, optimized cloud usage.

Penetration testing

Simulated cyber attacks to test the strength of your defenses. Our penetration testing uncovers weaknesses, providing a roadmap for robust security enhancements.

Security engineering

Design and implement advanced security solutions integrated into your IT infrastructure. Our security engineering fortifies your systems against evolving cyber threats.

Threatplane leverages extensive expertise in security and technology to provide clear, actionable outcomes tailored to meet your business objectives.

Securing your vision with expertise

At Threatplane, we collaborate with ambitious businesses, innovative teams, and purpose-driven ventures, providing strategic cybersecurity guidance tailored to their unique challenges and opportunities. Our clients span diverse sectors, sharing a commitment to impactful, people-centric values.

Our approach enables business leaders and non-technical stakeholders to gain clarity and make informed decisions relating to security risks, by having crucial data at their fingertips about how security vulnerabilities impact business objectives. Threatplane puts your business goals at the heart of your security strategy, ensuring sustainable security that evolves with your business.

Why choose Threatplane?

Business-first security

Placing business goals at the heart of your security strategy.

Deep industry expertise

Leveraging years of cybersecurity experience to protect your digital assets.

Innovative approach

Using inclusive and accessible analysis techniques to gain buy-in and clarity across your organisation.

Client-centric focus

We prioritise your needs, ensuring solutions that are both effective and understandable.

Comprehensive toolkit

From risk assessment to penetration testing, our tools are designed to cover all cybersecurity bases.

Proven track record

Trusted across the technology sector for providing strategic and quantifiable cybersecurity results.

Secure your future today!

Ready to enhance your cybersecurity? Connect with us now to discuss how we can tailor our expertise to your needs.